*** For any clarifications or reports about violation of rules contained in the Code of Ethics and the SA 8000 international standard, anyone can contact, even anonymously:
the company’s Social Performance Team at the following addresses:
E-mail: csr@aeffeonline.it or Fax: 0522 650030
the Bureau Veritas to the following addresses:
e-mail: info.bv.italia@it.bureauveritas.com or Fax: +39 02 2552980
the SAAS to the following addresses:
e-mail: saas@saasaccreditation.org o Fax: (212) 684 1515
AEFFE S.R.L Unipersonale
Head Office
P.le Papa Giovanni XXIII -
25036 Palazzolo sull’Oglio (BS)
Operating Unit
Via II Giugno 2 - 42047 Rolo (RE)
Other locations
Via II Giugno 3 / Via Degli Intarsiatori Rolesi 4 - 42047 Rolo (RE)